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前言:MPDG——“Manic Pixie Dream Girl”的缩写,即“躁狂、精灵的梦中女孩”,也是
作者: 恰似东风雨
第一章 目标已锁定八月是炎热的代名词,窗外的蝉鸣象征着我的心情与天气一样燥热。
作者: zyss
(按文件名中的数字,被up主点进帖子里的图片无法排序,以后发图就不要点进帖子里了,回复顺序问题相关的一律扣3cdb By pansx)
查看: 19308|回复: 16

[投票贴] [翻譯]The Talior and the Secetary+student teacher

a9s9d9f 发表于 2016-9-18 23:06:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 本贴全文约 4994 字
譯者:不明1 @' `" E' s) t7 s, `& N
[email protected]9 e( t) K; S! N* E$ C+ \6 }
作品:The Talior and the Secetary+student teacher
/ S4 Y4 e$ |" u5 H7 d* h原文連結:
" e$ f  c4 K" j- p- F$ X1 ] i2 c9 m: s7 V, E9 Q. g) p+ _

! S/ D4 ^/ ?2 l0 `*  *  *  *
: O( c  Q0 [0 v. x1 F- d, y0 r/ k/ o; c2 O! @
'早上好。' 他对他的秘书说:“早上我还有什么预约吗?” * {4 W4 N% M, J. b" B& G

+ j. v) ^1 c% v0 G“是的先生史密斯,裁缝会在10点钟来到' 她惊恐地回答道。
/ W7 I# P9 c1 ^! ]/ c6 G+ ?  p" u! x2 w% |
他喜欢他的下属,尤其是享受着这个年轻的小秘书在他面前颤抖的权威感。 他是公司的首席执行官,拥有无数地产和股票的成功男士。回到办公室,他开始了这一整天忙碌而又复杂的工作,在每份文件上签署下自己权威的名字。
. A6 L( K& ~* |2 S5 N# D7 T3 N7 j* _2 @! w  b0 [# d: Q8 \
“先生,裁缝就来了。 现在能让他过来了吗?“ 他想了想。 ; W8 T/ u3 o: G  g# Y

' p! Y- O% ?) S5 E2 @+ h$ z, R; K“是的......”他顿了一下试图记住他手下的名字,不过他始终想不起来。 2 S% ]4 b; Q" I6 E

6 [7 q+ g4 N' [; Z$ `一个高大自信的女子走进他的, 一套整洁的女士西装裤装衬托出她完美的身材。 6 r3 S9 L( y3 V+ `& X+ D

' P- _( U2 U& ?0 q7 m0 S' s6 l% j“你一定是史密斯先生,我叫琥珀。” 她伸出手让他动摇。 8 e* {  l/ i6 P3 T$ M4 F* a

( y" g+ V" F) Q! a5 R  J1 Y“叫我戴夫。” 他微笑着地看着她。 他好像在她的眼里看到了厌恶,他不敢确定。 她绕着桌子仔细打量着史密斯先生。 5 b; a/ G# u  `2 p% ~: n

1 g, T6 O+ S/ d( a7 m2 w* j“这可能需要一些时间,史密斯先生。 我是一个艺术家,我必须保证我的一切作品必须是完美的,也许我今天会一直在你身边寻找灵感。 一个寒冷的笑容在她脸上蔓延,那微笑令人发毛,他的脊椎开始感到一股深深的寒意。 5 M) H& k3 j, ]2 }' Y% A' r

* N3 ]- ~6 w! ^她拿起她的测量工具,开始不停地喃喃自语。 ! L$ K; H: I& `/ K  m( a
. u5 ^; a+ U" A( r  `/ ]( i6 D
0 w/ t0 _1 w: A( `5 h/ O) R& `# n8 S$ A$ w" ^7 r9 ~4 T5 H
'好身材。' 6 Z: d5 w2 B5 z2 o6 e

4 r# ?8 K. c. q0 j1 I) h4 _! z上帝他发誓这件事一直散发着一个诡异的气息,那个女的刚刚说:“这将会很有趣”。 # U6 m! q' M0 Z, s( Q; ^
3 |: q2 F2 P. r" y
“你介意脱下你的西装外套吗,我想你更可能适合试试马甲。” 她笑了。
6 R, ]8 `5 l( E, W% x1 O2 G3 k  B: \5 O
* y7 {, E: Y/ u; t; Q6 G
3 Z1 ^3 ~! y8 a& F1 h- M她帮他穿上白背心,仿佛被施了魔法般,在办公桌旁边他的面前出现一面镜子。 这个世界真是太疯狂了。 9 f$ x8 e! R' H+ W5 J+ f
+ k! q) \& l2 e; D7 U
马甲开始缓缓扭曲变形慢慢地穿过他的衬衫。他试图拉下来阻止它收缩他的身体,但它固定在那里就好像黏了胶水一样。他撕毁他的衬衫,看看他的身体到底发生了什么变化; 马甲已经变成了白色紧身蕾丝胸衣与浅粉色的蝴蝶结。 他能感觉到他的身体被改造成一个性感的S型。 他的胸部开始膨胀,与紧身胸衣越来越匹配。
5 x- X- V7 F1 O+ W* V4 Y
3 |# x' x  m) C5 p% b) y0 i1 ?“哦,它们的发育得很好。” 琥珀说“他们甚至可能是F罩杯的。 我自己都没有F罩杯呢。“ 7 ^9 t6 q4 m; o9 b, V, u: u

2 a& U/ m2 Z3 S" w3 z; e- T0 B他开始恐慌地拉扯精美的白色蕾丝内衣,想把渐渐变大的新乳房推回到他的身体。 ; g5 z; Z  h4 A" ]

+ @6 Q2 f" I% T8 t$ I7 e; l" G$ o“现在,现在,shhhhh。” 她咕哝着“现在顺其自然,你现在什么都做不了。亲爱的,你将是完美的的艺术品“。 3 s4 W5 g9 ^: C/ x; N# X" V# |
( g; a8 Z, {+ J/ |* R) X4 j7 {
他的胸部已经停止发育,现在他的腰又开始慢慢收缩。 他的身体变成了一副最完美的女性身体。 琥珀走到他身后推了推他。 + ]7 E" L, S8 T, K+ k
3 q& g( m. c2 }  f- f
“恩恩嗯,他们感觉很美妙,不是吗?” 她的手轻抚着他紧身胸衣包裹下的新身体说道。 “现在我不能一整天站在这里,我还有更多的事情要做。” ' d% b/ A! o; t: H: j

* \0 W6 H  }4 {& ?# n4 d+ \伴随着她的手指移动到他的裤子。 : Y" ?! Q. q- B; g

$ s- k8 L- |! N" g; y0 |/ Y他站在那里看着镜子,一副半男半女的身躯。 琥珀在他身后紧紧抓住他的臀部逐渐向下移动。 他觉得他的身体从双腿开始发生变化,双腿瞬间变得光滑而优美。 他的袜子开始变成丝袜蔓延覆盖光滑修长的美腿。
( I4 G( C  a6 g
& I0 A7 Q) X0 @'好多了。' 她笑了:“现在该轮到手臂了,这双小巧玲珑的玉手将为和其他人带来更多的幸福。”
: W2 N+ ^' _% w+ O' h" H$ T8 c* F/ S- U- l9 ~' E
伴随她的动作,他强壮的双手变得优雅而光滑,手指甲变得圆润而漂亮。 2 ?/ A7 c8 s; R8 f. B6 r

" u1 }& B9 ~1 O1 q4 e' \# q6 u# I“现在,你的脸又该发生什么美妙的改变呢?” 琥珀沉思着,把她的手放到他的脸上。   B8 B4 q9 C6 p1 V
7 U( X* Y, d# K7 H  l# ^3 K9 L% f
他只能看见的是她的手指,他为眼前的一片黑暗而不知所措。他为什么不反抗? 他为什么不能动? 这个女人到底是谁? 0 f8 m2 v1 E( L# a1 d+ ?" R

$ \/ h$ a$ l4 P! h“我改变了你。”
# c( e) d8 b  Y8 x; q
, t& U# T/ ~/ Y. l2 \“我警告过你不要。” ( _6 g) U( E: |" E! f

; Z% d. z) A& O; a) f“小女孩,以前我就曾经说过。” 5 s) W) O$ c, a& ^! N
) S- H( \& I" T4 S
“ 我是一个艺术家。 而你则是一个完美的作品”2 X" A4 ^+ H( P, o7 `

" _# q! r5 {2 s6 y0 a6 e0 D“是的,你是我的啦。” 7 Q% C4 b+ c, U) r9 r
+ j1 ~: M' L$ V1 z
8 ~( K0 F# A& x1 F  u. U: Z' x$ C4 h/ O8 k7 Z. m5 s+ S% \
6 b% n. W: g% b$ l' g( K
% i$ I3 b# y( r'看!' 在他朝着她的声音的方向望去。
; V, B6 J% M$ ]+ P0 Q( G
1 M- H6 ]0 y$ N2 ^( u1 ?在镜子她看见一个年轻女子可爱无辜的小脸,也许18或19,漂亮的蓝眼睛和一个小巧的鼻子。 琥珀摸了下她的头发,富有女性魅力的及腰棕色长发。
6 y* C, R! f; a0 Y+ w
8 n) b1 O( ]7 x; a/ C“现在到了最有趣的部分。” 琥珀戏谑地舔了舔手指。
3 l+ [2 ?# k# ~  v& n5 V( R8 s
, b# }& Z, Y7 {她的手慢慢接近他的拳击手,他们渐渐变成了黑色蕾丝的丁字裤。 她开始抚摸他的男子气概,然而小家伙却没有了往日的活力变得越来越小直到消失。,不过魔法的愉悦却没有停下来。
! `1 v' g) H2 }, R' K
& r* c% V/ ^. o6 }$ [1 ]+ k5 p“来吧,喊出来吧,亲爱的。” 她咕哝着。 , Y& b3 r3 s3 n/ ^, `5 B

4 x' X7 x9 J! a! y, O! e一个可爱的尖叫声。 这是他的新声音,一个小女孩的声音。 ( _+ b" _7 h; x2 k; v9 \1 e
9 N9 r0 S' I, H
“现在,我该怎么办。 让你变成同性恋,双性恋还是一个神秘兮兮的小姑娘呢。 或者我该让你试一试脱衣舞或妓女。 嗯,亲爱的,一个艺术作品应该分享给世界,也许他们都该享受一份乐趣。噢,我应该给你一个新的生命。 你变得比以前弱小许多,但你一定会享受躺在别人怀里的安全感。 我不会告诉你将会遇上什么。 也许你喜欢的女孩,也许喜欢男孩, 也许你可以重新找回内心的自己。 但是你绝对会喜欢别人拍打你那可爱的小屁股,而且永远不会满足“。 她给少女可爱的屁股一巴掌。 当巴掌落下时他享受到了一股奇怪的愉悦感。
$ B4 n2 J5 D/ {& {6 U8 O+ U
. {% V' Z, c! w" @9 ]) q9 o" P. u) R琥珀把他推倒到在宽大的办公桌上,不停地抽打他的小屁股。 2 x, J  N9 j# u5 N& ^- B+ H4 f

7 G0 u6 w1 M& N3 T“你真是个淘气的小女孩。”
0 Y& ]$ I" E) \. t1 C# O+ z/ u  {9 p* b* y) _1 R' _+ M4 @4 O* @7 q
, }5 ^% V5 F/ o6 I# J
/ J* Z7 z1 a/ N- N“一直以来假装成男孩这么长时间。”
" ~6 K# [+ |5 Y$ j7 C5 ]0 W3 O: C! X1 k
再打一下  # j1 t7 Z( f' g+ J$ z) k

6 C- T$ w: C5 D: e“以后不许这样了,小女孩。”
+ X* m4 o1 z1 ?8 ^3 v0 E. X9 }# K3 j/ ?& x9 e5 I4 `( M7 z; ?
  X. n2 N$ a) ]0 v3 q9 q1 G# g$ k6 }4 W
“从现在开始你将是一个听话的的小女孩。” " x- ?7 m- a# Q( X. J- u/ ^% R

. @; E' S8 v8 |& W# }$ D" h再打一下
: r; M8 x: v; `# y! _3 l$ C8 @: N" L" A8 f  J( {( L2 z' D1 v
“。。。。。。+ n% Z! W! x/ w6 a. E3 x/ C9 n1 m
, H" @7 v. X" c9 {. e
7 N0 v. ?, O$ C4 M
# a8 k9 l- [1 @+ s( D/ A) j“我创造了一个全新的你。 亲爱的,现在穿上你可爱的衣服“。 说完递给他一条粉色格子裙和白色蕾丝衬衫。 5 ]+ Q  s2 k( a
; H6 m/ ]: Q6 n  e! l
裙子几乎遮不住他丰满的臀部,F罩杯的乳房就像随时要冲出蕾丝衬衫一样。 ; g, L1 D! L8 ?/ |$ b$ O% B

, G6 q0 ~7 F/ F# ], J& j. d1 n7 ]“嗯,真是一个诱人的完美作品。” 琥珀一边帮他调整着衬衫的位置一边得意地说。 “不要忘记你的名牌。” $ i4 {# {! A: z1 h/ B" s  n4 u
9 I$ b# [, \0 W: l2 F
1 A% ?+ B8 w0 G/ [$ ^2 _3 T* F+ x! s' H8 O$ G
“对不起,女士,怀特先生的突然消失难道没有人会怀疑吗?” 黎明说。 * P5 L0 Q& h/ J5 r* z
+ Y( d, C  p5 `% |& o
“噢,史密斯小姐。 你不要担心。 现在你应该回到你的办公桌,我回来的时候看到你的追求者们在那等着你呢“( R2 Q' K2 E  ]- h& U( Q8 ^: i& O

: J# \* K+ ~1 S! \* l, O/ Nend( _1 N5 \9 {/ @% Q( o  n; H# I
1 \% V; B  F: V! a3 y
student teacher
* T$ L$ [' G: @# m$ g/ c$ B; x" o7 W" W9 p6 Y' ]3 K  s
这一周他将结束他的实习生涯回到大学继续他的研究生学业。 7 `& ]$ A/ i% f6 i

& {. e- k: O* s, w( b% o7 L% s8 H“你必须做完你的工作。 别担心,只剩一个学生。 只要半个小时就可以搞定“。 他的主管离开前说。 ( h3 S' {6 [6 F% z  E$ O- k
" `& ~- O7 }* m9 c3 A8 P
'当然。' 他回答。
" E0 T% M5 b/ e. q
9 b+ x$ k7 F6 [, H他拿起桌子上的笔记看了一眼。 * C' J" L0 Z3 v$ \( O
8 O, l4 s1 r+ I( L" G
  Q9 G' h8 |+ ?1 e; }7 h& Q" i' ?" c# ]- X7 V' @% T& v1 p! x
类别:第6 B 6 S5 _  I. @* _! ^7 B

2 L  ~/ c8 J" w  e0 Y4 o错误:不恰当的衣服 - F6 Z) `) a, u) A
1 Q  W1 ?- O8 {9 u% H3 w
他想了想,看起来他们学校的制服比他的母校严格了不少。* y" C! @0 E1 [- ?

, E2 d5 y0 q. N  y! h  G在房间里,一个身材高挑苗条的少女站在那里。 她穿及膝的长筒袜,黑色的短裙勉强遮住了她的臀部,修改过的修身上衣将她漂亮小腹裸露出来。 1 c& ]2 ]. v8 U  O

& b' y8 M$ l' j'你好先生。' 她微笑问好,绿色眸子一闪一闪散发着迷人的光彩。
! r5 m8 P% s2 K; W$ g
' ?! W& ~% K. X8 [! u“妳好萨姆”。他回答说,然后关上了门。 - L9 j" c+ p+ V7 i( x! b
8 }$ w% t  _/ I
“先生,我能问你一件事?” 她一边玩弄她的头发一边说。
* b2 G4 W/ l% V1 ?4 b
3 N2 e0 e7 l: j- l1 w'什么?' 他坐了下来回答说。
# n  t$ `$ n$ g0 H, M7 p; K& x" I! m! N2 }2 t
“你觉得我的制服不合适吗?” 她得体的整理了下裙子。   ]/ Y" l1 X2 {2 S& ^9 S
9 r5 v# y% [* q: f1 I# R: r7 l
“按规则来说,是的”。 山姆回答,感觉四周的温度好像变热了。
; Z( V" ?4 ^! `$ t
- P2 l; q! `# F. R“好吧,我的裙子有点短。 但我改装我的衬衫是有理由的。 你看看这些漂亮的乳房,向世界展现自己的美丽有什么不对的地方吗?“ 她俯下身子向萨姆问道,调皮的乳房在他眼前一跳一跳地,露出不知深浅的迷人乳沟。 0 K5 u% g% a: G8 B) x) t1 S0 f, e* J

2 H5 t/ M0 s+ Y他试着不去想那些那些华丽的乳房。“我觉得在学校还是应该严肃,嗯,严肃点。”
; S, h9 ~2 t0 a3 N
. ]* ?; A  U; @/ O7 e0 [9 @“我敢肯定,你想要这些漂亮的东西。” 她邪恶地笑了。 % Z  p; F, }7 z0 ^4 Z' @( H

! V/ x- \: G; J$ [# B& P  {她站起来,然后向前走到他的面前。他突然觉得眼前的场景开始脱离控制。
/ i' o: g: A1 r+ m4 W$ f* s# B2 Z2 ]% x4 S- a& b6 t; g
“我知道的。” 她的乳房逐渐贴近他的脸。 ! t* ?8 }& q( e( Y* v

+ M* X1 [& k& U4 R8 g# v" h- h“我知道你已经盯着我一周了,我还知道您渴望这些美丽的乳房吗? ”她慢慢解开她的衬衫让她的乳房从束缚中解脱,像兔子一般顽皮地跳动。
, c4 }! h1 g) j, k, b3 ^
) s  T$ F# U7 _) B" ~. o4 j/ S她慢慢将她的乳头移动到他的嘴里,他不自觉忘情地吮吸起来。他能感觉到这个女孩的奶流了他的喉咙的滋味,是那么地温馨和甜蜜。上帝啊,他从没有过这么美好的体验。
( u6 M5 X) O. {2 D% L+ U
2 t0 V' q% E) |7 W4 n- }“你是期待着的!” 她温柔地呢喃着。
( x4 d& m. `+ {7 _- r% {. b4 q8 [
/ d8 ^$ m( d4 U; r他试图远离这一切,然而一切事情都是那么奇怪,他只能在她的强大控制下忘情地吮吸着。山姆能感觉到他的头发越来越长,皮肤变得柔软和敏感。
5 S1 U. I. E  y
. m9 t4 D  i" i2 T) `8 B- O- _# J: H/ V“MMMMM,我的头发!!!”山姆尖叫起来。
+ ?6 F" e( i+ ]/ h$ G5 B# N' R$ L2 l& i/ ^. Z5 U2 l' k
不经意间山姆从她的乳房逃离出来,砰的一声摔倒在地上,不过感觉身体却感到莫名其妙的轻盈和舒适。 2 K4 [4 e& o% |: M. G
& D. i, _) @4 J7 O# s
“你这个婊子想做什么!” 山姆愤怒而惊恐地说。
% y6 v$ n5 M4 m! k# a. @; R2 P- {
“是吗?” 她打了他。 7 E& g$ R' Q$ m& |

$ X8 \9 ~# r: R3 Q! n( l'Y ... Y ...是的!“ 他呜咽着,他的声音变得高昂而且温柔。 1 T# [5 M  T$ Y+ K: a. G3 t% g

$ w* c/ q1 [2 T# K' R. a他的身体感觉怪怪的,衬衫就像被撕裂一样被撑得紧紧的,他的腰感觉更苗条,包裹着丰满臀部短裙下修长光滑的美腿裸露在空气中。盆。 他能感觉到柔软的衬衫里的胸部呼之欲出的膨胀感。
: d+ F) _0 w  D/ P- \" g: M8 o" g5 d/ H
“让我们看看还有什么精彩的节目。”山姆扭过头不想理会这个可恶的女巫。不过他能闻到她的他的脸上独特的乳香味。 他不自觉地舔了舔,尝到甜头的他然后再也控制不住欲望的疯狂。
8 @- Z8 @$ {  ]2 D# ?( F+ g: g- @' ^, W' r1 J; R8 t: y6 O
8 X9 j  M' l" y; T: A7 E4 D( i* C6 }9 p5 Z' I
'起来。' 山姆不情愿地站了起来,拉拉了长长的秀发试图证明这一切都不是真的。
% [& D# n5 y3 x: J
# c0 u; R2 o# G9 ?" H$ M“低下头。” 她命令道。 " c% ^+ F# u' Y4 j
( D* k; T& G4 h3 W. y
他能感觉到他新乳房在衣服里的紧迫感,这种感觉是如此奇妙,他能感觉到今天起在他的身体和心灵从此打开了一扇通往新世界的大门。他内心有个声音希望他能成为这个女孩的玩具,这个想法不禁让他下面的峡谷不停地涌出清泉,这是多么羞耻的体验啊。 * `2 }; l4 f4 L- f0 M3 t

8 _- Z6 N2 |5 s“哦,你真淘气。” 她拉起山姆的上衣说道。 " ?  v6 B2 R$ ]$ p3 [3 v
8 n8 X0 I2 I$ H5 E) P. A. D
' e6 g$ p& ~7 {$ Z8 ?, Z# H
2 ]9 l6 G( x0 h# X" L) [“让我们看看笔记。” 萨姆站起来坐到他的办公桌。 , s" a8 y( k  o3 |  e

' _4 B9 l' K8 ]3 m8 m( N“朱莉·史密斯。每个人都称你为甜心,你可能为任何男人提起裙子。 真是一个该受惩罚的坏女孩“。 山姆笑了。
5 F" s; |. ^0 f5 M7 c
" ~% U% D# O1 a+ u7 t他为这未知的未来不断的颤抖着。琼斯小姐从办公桌拿出小手杖,微笑向可怜的山姆走去。 她抓住小女孩的胳膊,推到在桌子上抽打她赤裸的小屁股。打了一次,二次,越来越多次,第十次是最痛苦的,终于在二十次痛苦的时候迎来了结束。 ; p' z" _; k( h) @

- ~! W/ Z7 _) Y0 }) v% u8 Z他趴在桌子上发出不间断的娇喘声,裸露出她的丰满的乳房。
  t9 l0 O3 g9 k: E9 Q: Q
9 P1 ]7 I! ?1 _" S0 N$ @) Z8 ]“嗯朱莉,你现在有一个选择。好女孩都会做出正确的选择“ 萨姆将他的乳房暴露在他眼前,像金苹果般诱惑着他。
0 T9 _* ?: Q2 S$ f. m. p3 I. Z6 G9 V3 \. s
他的嘴巴本能地向前移动,慢慢地吸吮起来,就像温暖的甜牛奶流进他的喉咙。他抬头看到萨姆恶魔般的微笑。他害怕得闭上眼睛,却更本能地继续当下的动作。 - j/ f' N4 V# h
, j) ?3 J2 i. n1 P
朱莉打开了她的眼睛,眼前仍是琼斯小姐漂亮的乳房。 9 l1 W  v) X1 W0 B0 T9 I1 p
2 }$ H' y' E7 p6 C1 H
“喜欢吗,茱莉?” 琼斯小姐问。 6 G; Y% `  z4 Z+ M$ O7 W

: n* ]0 h3 j! u'是的,女士。' 朱莉温柔地说道。
( ?( T3 r+ s: ~1 h
: h& P1 F  M7 f. `' a' s* _0 r“如果你听话的话,我们可以再来一次!”琼斯小姐开心地笑了。   _4 E% c+ |$ {1 O# _( Z

  [$ l% d: Z0 t: b* L. a1 Z4 g'真的吗?' 朱莉兴奋地说道。
" ~: B2 u  |. ~; ]( |; E6 A. [' M) z7 s/ x' q! K
“对我来说你会是一个好女孩,不是吗?” 琼斯小姐嘀咕到。 * N" H  m, |- Q( ]# F& f+ p9 h
8 N- W0 B1 O1 k( M/ j
'是的,女士。' 朱莉用她甜蜜的声音回复。& S8 j, F9 P! h% M

8 d  g8 |+ s+ t0 ^
单选投票, 共有 114 人参与投票


54.39% (62)
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暗夜中的清風 发表于 2016-9-19 21:39:59 | 显示全部楼层
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~

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是一次十足 发表于 2016-9-19 22:29:57 | 显示全部楼层
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~

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希望神光 发表于 2016-9-20 15:35:20 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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dfjh89020899 发表于 2016-9-21 11:53:35 | 显示全部楼层
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~

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匿名  发表于 2016-9-21 18:25:20


匿名  发表于 2016-9-21 19:41:28
游客 123.182.88.x 发表于 2016-9-21 18:25



ambiva 发表于 2016-9-23 04:19:23 | 显示全部楼层
懒得吐槽了,和以前某些人的申请一个毛病  o4 E8 H% J! \% X; Z+ z- f2 [
5 J, _0 }1 l. I& o5 m$ w3 F* H3 I6 I. _' t( e$ j
至于前面那位说“絕對的好翻譯”的,我对你无语8 u* Z9 l6 N* M( q
' _4 {6 c. j4 o# M: T9 T2 C6 x

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白家猫龙 发表于 2016-9-23 09:05:29 | 显示全部楼层
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匿名  发表于 2016-9-23 11:38:12
白家猫龙 发表于 2016-9-23 09:05

他试着不去想那些那些华丽的乳房。“我觉得在学校还是应该严肃, ...



arander 发表于 2016-9-23 14:37:17 | 显示全部楼层
. L: l. L3 W4 M' s“是的先生史密斯,裁缝会在10点钟来到' ; _4 J% ]0 K1 N3 X1 A2 P1 q
$ g: [5 Q' @& b* Y- `第一篇开始“史密斯先生“,”请叫我戴夫”,最后“怀特先生””黎明说“
2 d4 D' a' a6 S: ~第二篇开始是萨姆然后山姆,虽然是小问题- Z5 u. ^& ^$ A/ e( g9 N

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匿名  发表于 2016-9-23 19:58:20
The Talior and the Secetary
'Morning.' He said to his sectary 'Do I have any appointments.'

'Yes Mister Smith, the tailor is coming at 10.' She squeaked.

He liked the power he had over his subordinates, especially this young little secretary who quivered in his presence. He was the CEO of his own company and owned the whole building, three homes and a plane. Walking into his office, he sat at his desk in the knowledge that the most complex thing he'd be asked to do today would be to sign his name.

'Sir, the tailor is here. Will I show her through?' His comm chirped.

'Yes...' He paused trying to remember his minion's name, he failed and just let it go silent.

A tall woman walked into the office exuding confidence. She was wearing a grey trouser suit that was cut perfectly to her frame.

'Mister Smith I presume, my name is Amber.' She held out her hand for him to shake.

'Call me Dave.' He smiled at her. Was that attraction he saw in her eyes or revulsion, he wasn't sure. She began to walk around the desk, keeping it between them.

'This may take some time, Mister Smith. I am an artist, everything must be perfect or I can't in all consonance leave you today.' A cold smile spread across her face, with a chill going down his spine.

She first took his measurements, mumbling all the time.

'Hmmm, yes, that shouldn't take much.'

'Good shape.'

Mysteriously of all he could swear she once said 'this one could be fun'.

'Would you mind putting your suit jacket on the desk, I've got a waistcoat you might suit.' She smiled.

'Sure' He replied, doing as he was told.

She helped him put on the white waistcoat and he turned to a mirror that had appeared, as if by magic, next to the desk. This was when the world began to go really crazy.

The waistcoat began to twist, move and slowly pass through his shirt. He tried to pull at it to stop it constricting his body, but it was fixed there as if by glue. He tore of his shirt to see what the thing was doing to his body; it had turned into a white corset with light pink bows. He could feel and see his body being reformed into an hourglass. His chest began to swell, filling out the corset.

'Oh their growing well.' Amber spoke 'They might even be Fs. I've not managed Fs yet.'

He began to panic and pull and push at the top of the corset, as if to push his new breasts back into his body.

'Now now, shhhhh.' She purred 'Let it happen, there's nothing you can do now. Your going to be perfect, a work of art my dear.'

His chest had stopped swelling, now his waist started constricting again. His torso was becoming a curved perfect hourglass. Amber walked up behind him and pushed herself up against him.

'MMMMM, they do feel nice don't they?' She spoke softly as she ran her hands over his new corset encased body. 'Now I can't stand here all day, I've got more to do.'

With that she pulled at his trousers and the designated.

He stood there looking into the mirror, his torso that of a girl and the rest the body of a man. Amber was still behind him holding onto his hips, her hands pushed down. He felt his body shrink and his legs began to change. The hair burned off in an instant. His socks began to crawl up his now smooth legs, turning into stockings.

'Much better.' She grinned 'Now for those big arms of yours, you'll be much happier with little smooth ones.'

And with a brush of her hands on his shoulders the arms shortened and slimmed down while loosing their hair. His hands stretched, his nails became polished and long.

'Now, what shall we do with that face of yours?’ Amber mused, putting her hands over his face.

All he could see were her fingers. He began to panic again. What was happening? Why couldn't he resist? Why couldn't he move? Who was this woman?

'I'm changing you.'

'I told you not to.'

'Your a good girl who does as she is told.'

'I told you. I'm an artist. I was given you as a canvas and commission. Your a wonderful canvas'

'And yes, I'm inside your head now."

His mind screamed.

Amber drew back her hands, he couldn't look.

'Look!' Her voice echoed in his head.

He looked. In the mirror her saw a young woman's face, maybe 18 or 19. It was an innocent little face, pretty with blue eyes and a little button nose. Amber pulled at his hair and it grew long and brown, bouncing off his shoulders.

'Now the fun part.' Amber said allowed, licking her fingers.

Her hand crawled down into his boxers, turning them instantly into black panties. She began to stroke his manhood. As it got harder, it became smaller and smaller until it was gone. The pleasure however did not stop.

'Go on, let it out sweetie.' She purred.

A voice squealed out in pleasure. His new voice, a girl's voice.

'Now, what shall I do. Make you straight, gay, bi, addicted to some strange fetish. Or maybe I'll give you a job somewhere a stripper or a whore. Hmmm, your a work of art my dear and the world should see that, but maybe they all shouldn't get a piece. Hmm, I'll give you a life. You'll be a lot less powerful than you were, but you'll love being someone's little sub. I'm not going to tell you who's though. Maybe you like girls, maybe boys. You can find that out for yourself. But you’ll like this cute little ass being spanked, it’s far to perfect not to be.' She gave his little round girlish ass a spank. Inside he became excited and distinctly turned on.

Before he knew it Amber had bent him over the large desk in the middle of the room and began to spank him.

‘You’ve been a naughty little girl.’


‘Pretending to be a boy all this time.’


‘No more, my little girl.’


‘Your going to be a good little sub from now on.’


When it was over he stood and turned around and whispered 'what have you done to me?'

'I've created you. Now here put your clothes on my dear.' She handed him a short black skirt and white blouse.

The skirt barely covered his hips and the blouse couldn't fully button up, revealing his size F breasts.

'Well, no point hiding such works of genius.' Amber spoke, adjusting the blouse. 'Don't forget your name badge Dawn.'

Amber popped the badge onto his chest, drawing a little blood and with a pop Dawn was born.

'Sorry miss, I don't know where Mr White must be.' Dawn said.

'That's ok Miss Smith. I'll call again another day. You should get back to your desk, you had a crowd of admirers buzzing around you when I came in. '

student teacher New

Last week of placement in the school and soon he'd be back at uni to finish up and graduate.

'You'll have to do the detention on your own. Don't worry, your up to it and there's only one student. Half an hour of making her do extra work and let her go.' His supervisor said, almost dashing for the door.

'Sure.' He replied.

He picked up a clipboard on the door and glanced at it.

Student name: Sam Jones

Class: 6 B

Infringement: Inappropriate clothing

This school was pretty strict with their uniform he mused, from what he could recall his old school was a lot more relaxed. That or his teenage self just didn't notice how long girl's skirts were, just that they were attached to girls.

In the room he found a tall, slim teenage girl in what even his hormones were saying was inappropriate for a schoolgirl. She had knee high grey socks, a short black skirt that barely covered her hips, and shirt tied at the center showing her midriff and large cleave.

'Hello sir.' She smiled, her green eyes twinkling.

'Sam.' He replied, closing the door behind him.

'Sir, can I ask you something?' She played with her hair.

'What?' He replied sitting down.

'Do you think my uniform is inappropriate?' She smoothed what there was of her skirt.

'The rules say it is.' Sam answered, feeling the temperature going up.

'Ok, my skirt is a little short. But I'm not wearing my shirt like this out of choice. Look the buttons popped. This is better than showing the world my boobs. Could I get 5 min less for that?' She lent forward.

He tried not to think of those boobs, those magnificent breasts. 'Maybe, if you get down to your work.'

'I'm sure I can get down for you.' She smiled evilly.

She stood up then. She started walking forward, a predictor in her territory. Suddenly he felt powerless.

'Or maybe you'll be the one getting down.' She mounted him.

'You've been looking at me all week. I know you have. You want these tits don't you.' She slowly untied her shirt, letting her breasts fall free.

She slowly moved his mouth onto one of her nipples and he began to suckle on them. He could feel this girl's milk flow down his throat. It was warm and sweet, and felt wonderful.

'You'll be mine soon!' She spoke softly.

He tried to pull away as his body started to feel strange, but she was now more powerful than him and kept his mouth where it was. He could feel his hair growing longer and longer as his skin became as soft at Sam's.

'Mmmmm, a brunette!' Sam moaned.

Then Sam pushed him from her breast and onto the floor. He hit floor with a thud, feeling somehow lighter that he expected himself to be.

'You liked that didn't you bitch?' Sam spoke.

'DIDN'T YOU?' She slapped him.

'Y...y...yes!' He whimpered, his voice higher that it used to be.

His body was feeling strange. It was burbling and fizzing. His waist felt thinner and his legs exposed. A skirt was brushing against his smooth thighs and naked pelvis. He could feel his chest expanding and pushing against a soft shirt that would reveal what was under it.

'Let's see what else that mouth can do.' Sam straddled his face and pushed his face home. He could smell her womanhood in his face and taste it's sweetness. He licked and nibbled and bit at her in a frenzy of desire.

'Oh your good. Keep going bitch. Yes...YES!' Sam orgasmed.

'Get up.' Sam stood and pulled him up by his now long hair.

'Over the desk, face down.' She ordered.

He could feel his new breasts pushed against his body. The sensation was so sensual that he was turned on, he could feel it throughout his body and mind. He wanted to submit this girl and be her toy. He could feel whatever was now between his legs getting wet and a part of his mind was glad he hadn't worn panties today.

'Oh, aren't we naughty.' Sam spoke, she had pulled up his skirt.

Sam took her finger and began to rub at his new genitals. He could feel her fingers going up and down, then in and out. He began to softly moan while biting his lip to stop from screaming. As he came a soft squeak of pleasure escaped his lips.

'Lets see the clipboard.' Sam stood up and walked to his desk.

'Julie Smith, uniform infringement. Well everyone could your tits, and you probably let anyone lift that skirt. Time for your punishment.' Sam smiled.

He quivered, knowing somehow what was coming. Sam took out a thin cane from the desk. She smiled and started to go to work on him. She swung back her arm and brought down the cane on his naked ass. The first stung, the second stung more, the filth hurt, the tenth was agony, and finally the twentieth was excruciating, but they were all exquisitely sexual.

He lay there face down panting in passion. Sam walked around in front of him her breasts still exposed.

‘Well Julie, you have a choice now. Be a good girl who does as she is told, or go back to being a weak willed boy who didn’t see a trap when he walked into one.’ She presented her breasts to be suckled on.

He put his mouth forward on instinct and began to suckle at Sam’s other tit, feeling warm sweet milk go down his throat. He looked up to see Sam smiling down at him. He closed his eyes as he felt his skin tighten a little more, his breasts firm up and his face sofx00;ten further.

Julie opened up her eyes and removed her lips from Miss Jones breast.

‘Enjoy that Julie?’ Miss Jones asked.

‘Yes miss.’ Julie spoke softly.

‘If you behave, we can do it again.’ Miss Jones smiled.

‘We can?’ Julie spoke

‘You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?’ Miss Jones purred.

‘Yes miss.’ Whispered Julie lovingly.
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~


ambiva 发表于 2016-9-23 23:27:05 | 显示全部楼层
既然"原文也好不到哪去”,那为什么要翻译这篇?9 J$ Q9 k) g* L+ ]6 h8 W) B; X! j
" _0 X$ W( m6 Z; Y) J6 e6 Q" M# I以为这是交作业完成任务??) ^7 R, A' F5 L3 J- L! N. t/ {

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linglingling 发表于 2016-9-24 00:22:32 | 显示全部楼层
曾經嘗試翻譯文章, 有些句子的確難以通順, 或是改作通順後又好像失去原來的意思, 都曾經思考如何拿捏得準確. 這文的翻譯者文章至少看得明白, 比機械翻譯好, 我會支持, 希望以後翻譯更加多的文章.
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~

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lyhgq 发表于 2016-9-24 11:19:52 | 显示全部楼层

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Player 发表于 2016-9-25 11:01:49 | 显示全部楼层
2 B8 c9 G, ]- I  i( @& [既然原文不夠好,希望樓主之後能找些更棒的文章來翻譯...5 D+ U; ]+ W+ u/ b
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 楼主| a9s9d9f 发表于 2016-9-27 00:29:49 | 显示全部楼层
早安,這裡是管理犬。4 _0 y- r0 |' z

7 }( j4 f9 O) j' ]' A% x2 R) K當本犬看到第二句裡的「是的先生史密斯」時,本犬就只能只先生史密斯表示你的申請失敗了。9 ?3 p  T+ D. e3 t6 q' c: [- u
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