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前言:MPDG——“Manic Pixie Dream Girl”的缩写,即“躁狂、精灵的梦中女孩”,也是
作者: 恰似东风雨
方舟同步发,错别字什么的有时间再改,希望大家喜欢~ 白色的轿车缓缓地驶入停车场。“
作者: silverity
(按文件名中的数字,被up主点进帖子里的图片无法排序,以后发图就不要点进帖子里了,回复顺序问题相关的一律扣3cdb By pansx)
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[皮物] 小抄本

55665 发表于 2009-5-1 22:04:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 I# e0 Y+ A5 {7 u1 Z# [' C8 U& K) {$ C
這是由舞會的想到的寒蟬改版。但人物關係全都變了。包含M2F,F2M,SM,亂倫,百合等雜燴。  d7 p, q. B3 |) H, J+ b' s$ P
4 X" e/ F: j. h) `5 m
0 G: o- I9 E4 X6 ]% a( t& E9 }一日,姐弟談話,討論到姐姐男友,弟說现在男友也只是喜歡姐姐的面貌,身體,和以前那个混蛋一样。姐姐認為他們是真心相愛。弟弟說我會證明給你看。接下來弟弟盜用父親研究成果,結合自己的技術,廢寢忘食研製。終於告訴姐姐可以製作一個仿真人皮,和姐姐打賭他來扮演姐姐,姐姐則扮做弟弟(過程取模,製作等等,而且有父親研究纳米传感技术成果,可以感官完全模擬,中間姐姐變成弟弟,話兒挺起,但未發生關係),男友不會有任何察覺并共處,已證明只是愛姐姐的容貌和身體。。而後二人交换身份,弟弟完美扮演一個性感的姐姐和男友交往,并引诱男友上床,男友未覺任何異樣,并利用男友的真心爱来報復男友,玩起SM女王,男友被调教變成M。(中间插有姐姐以弟弟身份被同班女生表白并半推半就下被女生献身。)。弟弟给姐姐看了男友被SM的情形和床上的录像,姐姐大哭傷心,弟弟安慰,傾訴愛意,说真心爱姐姐只有自己。姐姐拒絕亂倫,弟弟解釋說自己會以女身,不算亂倫,自己這幾天也喜歡上扮演姐姐,和作為一個女人的感覺,愿意做妹妹,只要能爱着姐姐。通过人皮让姐姐绕过乱伦的心理谴责,幫姐姐脫掉人皮,二人百合(或弟弟以女體和姐姐男體發生關係?雙方只摘掉面具?)。二人不分開。後面發展?沒想到。继续交换?後續未知。( u$ u$ G1 `) V; }& _

0 n" J: C( N$ S% V8 c哎,貌似又偏重邪惡了。
1 k4 x& U3 |0 B$ G- N. X( b/ S9 t  W- d9 n- J1 d+ z# D2 D4 d
還有一個類美人魚短篇。但我絕不承認是美人魚系列。和最近第一人稱寫法同,“變”的能力在對方手上。(這算第二人稱嗎?我語文不好。)似乎這樣寫法很有诱惑感?至少我感觉,看最近几篇都是。8 v3 w2 @  i( x6 d  D/ e# ]
" R8 ~4 b6 R/ E  L2 @" [8 N
/ C  ]4 e. R: p% ^0 P/ u  ?在這個小城里碰到了以前學校的校花,校花是如此風情萬種,想到自己還是單身,但今時不同往日,我現在很有錢!追求校花。二人開始交往,當夜上床,我把我的秘密勸說了出來,並說我的就是你的。校花轉為男聲,大驚,卻立馬失去知覺。
( M% u* W! P* l* V. u1 W- W, V5 t5 R) Y1 k
一室內,校花脫下面具,脫下全身人皮。是一男子。男子以女聲電話說目標搞定,匯另一半錢。一旁的電腦屏幕上,是我詳細的資料。(這真的不是美人魚,只是個短篇)& ~$ D6 o3 u% R; }
$ t! @: B( Y4 o8 u: K. \; [  ^
以上優先短篇。寫不寫看心情和時間允許。' A) e- d4 H0 E& E7 ~4 @2 g! H

3 W7 _* h, G3 y& U1 |( f# S/ K3 x1 X  ]/ d
順帶給出一老外創意。1 ]5 E2 j2 q: K

, F# e' |, O' z0 lThis story is a dark one, I think it suitable to post on Halloween, anyway
% D- g$ Y) N! }# m# l9 M* l) HI just come up with it and didn't want to lost or forget it so I share+ Z; s) K- U9 j: g# Y
it with you.! r7 H7 u3 R4 ^' @* \6 X

) W4 @- m: E; v# o2 SI was thinking, maybe those of us with good story writing
1 ?& V4 |7 o; zskills amongst us, could flesh my idea into full bodysuit story.
' G  D/ ?$ X& P* p* f
. U. h- `2 N8 {" i0 M7 r# M- ----------------------------------------------------------------------7 `; i0 B- m( [9 u; i. j
( J1 [$ j) y  G
. Z, a3 b. u, V+ Q
Story idea:
2 V. I3 ^7 c9 X) ^9 R, |6 G" a3 ~5 U) A! w
There is an evil demon among us, it is a male demon blending in' U0 w- y; s: M! N
human society for hundreds year. It feed by draining life force from
% p/ g7 o" c$ S5 u+ U  s4 {human male through sex, by doing this it has to disguise itself as a8 T  H' ^- ?4 t; o
woman. It can't transform itself into a woman directly but it can% ]1 U, p; b5 U& T
shift its body to simulate woman shape body, it only need a skin to0 I' J( R  D; O- S/ L& v; M" b
cover its hellish and ugly body.& w1 A5 U$ g0 U8 d

4 w  f) H- C0 G) EIt hypnotize a woman and have sex with her, when it climax it. c* l) k( |% G
ejaculate its demon semen into a woman's body, the semen is very hot
3 b  _6 r: |. _+ f; zand acid it melt a woman's body both muscle,organ fat and bones from! F. B7 \# W! u2 Z4 ?' W( z
inside so a woman die terribly living only the skin and hair of a
3 L5 X% f( D/ f6 T, xwoman. Then it put on the skin of an ill fate woman and disguise as
5 y1 @+ L& p& k& t+ Uits victim, shifting its body part underneath dead woman's skin such
! q2 `( K) G2 g  a) x  b: }as reduce height, weight, change eye color from blood red to nomal1 I. m4 J) O$ r0 W$ M3 A
human eye, its canine teeth fall out and grow a new set of human white. K% g* D+ `8 n# `. r6 {6 ^' X
teeth, forming breasts, narrow waist, wide hip, change its voice so it
% h3 _! G) t1 n' Blook exactly like a woman before she die. It like to study a woman
" A# `$ ]9 j, t3 I4 |before it impersonate her,learn how she talk, walk and when its$ J& l1 Z( f' v+ O) B
disguise as her it even smell and taste like her, so nobody even her) o* f5 n6 B' A4 [* ]" L
lover can't tell the difference. So its easy target was men that have
( @' i- e5 d, B; `girlfriend or wife.$ v# Y- |2 c6 _7 [& c
It like to collect women skin and took skins back to its lair, it can
3 E# ^' D6 @0 e: Ahave sex with a woman while its disguise as another woman by pull its' z7 n) o1 x0 r- ^, b( @) F$ u
penis out of the skin vagina, melt her and have another skin suit3 `- u& L: y7 i$ L
while didn't came out of first suit.( x! q, U- h7 H  p
/ _6 R" ?; O- _
Then it hunt for a man life force, it can produce a pheromone to
6 u6 V4 D5 U: I3 M6 Z5 \attract men. It have sex with unsuspected man once a man came it% ^+ S( ]3 M+ ?
collect a man semen to produce acid semen in the future and also drain6 q* k* \5 v, n: [2 ]# C% E
its victim life force energy so he die. It cause police report of
+ x* m% K7 C2 E/ I% D  }* bmystery missing girls and dead men body found everyday, autopsy reveal
2 l4 Q' Z; I$ S/ Othat they die because heart attack.
& m/ C  a4 q8 S$ i/ @- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; }: o6 d8 S& V+ d& x  u' J5 T+ ~& ^8 _( R& L! b( x* L' s
The story should told through perspective of our hero, the demon
: v) t" l+ v5 w4 E0 v1 W  g- phunter. He have a very haunting experience when he was young. One day4 Z- ~* o, E; {. F" g( _$ j. b
he came from school early and heard the sound of moaning from his- Y7 _' e+ j1 w2 V4 d
parent bedroom, he look through door knob to saw that his father was/ G6 ?! Q7 y9 K! n1 I
having sex with his mother but when they both climax he saw horror
  \9 N3 t3 |9 i5 }; e' |7 n  `scene of his life, he heard very loud roar came out from his mother
& T9 n' g0 M3 Z% W* flip somewhat like a lion but it more deeper that he never heard it
2 G% E9 }* y. c* _+ {. W7 j2 ?before. He saw that his father also realize this from horror in his3 x7 \+ X# n8 {4 P. ^# [8 I0 Z! A) v
eye and suddenly there a light from his father going through his0 A' B" R" J5 `- X
mother, his father body then became very thin and pale like skeleton./ U, _7 `+ S: a8 r. c
His mother then laugh evilly and clime off and getting dress, when she  A6 s" C' X1 M+ r
saw him she look at him lustfully and say "You are too young, but we) r4 W9 c7 L' t' ^  I
will meet again!" he never saw his mother look at him like that. She
1 I' Y8 n' y( q/ H( R9 N- p7 K8 lgrin lick her lip fondle her breasts and walk off the house, he really
( D/ V, T* O; l" S; Sfeel scare and arouse but then he realized that his father is in
. I! r0 X# x* b! r1 w) q' etrouble he run too see his father, he was dying and told him before he: V, R9 G) q! Y1 e
die to locate an important book in basement. After the funeral he goes
5 u6 {' A+ ^" V: h) S7 y0 n8 eto look for it and saw that it was an ancient book about the male
; U  Y; }! j( _! Tdemon that drains life force from human male by disguise as a woman,
3 d9 a  H1 j" f1 ~1 M. i( the knew that in that day he didn't saw his mother but the demon
& m" D& U6 c7 H$ kdisguise as her, he loss both of his parent and also learned that his
' r9 c- n+ w* w4 A  {family was the demon hunter family passing the duty from father to son
: u* {! {( |$ p/ j5 X1 Hsince his great great grandfather but they fail to hunt this demon- h( [$ J3 ~: t2 J# [" }
because it is very smart and also have hypnotize power, for hundreds7 u' V5 [( m* v  ^) S$ O
year it know art of feminine seduction.1 v( Y3 k+ b. I

, s1 e1 c' M) \5 l8 u6 w, LSo now many years pass he and his younger sister living with his/ }0 O6 a' b, F& [$ z5 ?9 Q
aunt(younger sister of mom) he study in university and he vows
- _# u6 D& U; d' urevenge for his parent by hunting this demon down from evidence such
) ?5 ?+ w6 w! ^( p: a" i! Fas unidentified dead body of naked men some shed skin of women like in
5 I" Q. x8 i' A- W" i! G3 }/ Amystery stories. He know that the demon can't living in sunlight it
% j  k  P% r+ t4 ?8 h$ a! a+ Z9 uwill die shortly so it use women skin to cover its own body, but how
/ F( m* K% l0 R9 g3 Acan he locate the demon it can be anybody(any female). The demon also) y; w- a' i# E1 K! f
know that the demon hunter's life force is greater than ordinary  E2 A) k4 \, g6 _5 S5 X
human, if it drain the demon hunter's life force it will be much& }8 F4 ]  Y+ m' I' b0 u
stronger. It had drained his father so it was more stronger in pass 10) a  {: W1 g( E0 b- _& N/ B* K
years but now it feel that its power was diminishing so it also) w. {6 A4 r- N2 T
looking and hunt for him for more power.' V4 }( s6 m' C/ z5 W! ~

! e5 }+ d6 S; x3 Y' j! zSo he have to hunt this demon while also have to protect his
# Z% @4 t. Z) a$ v2 a# o! ^sister and his aunt that is his only relative left and he also have to5 s8 r8 |7 a6 ^0 c% U0 z1 Y9 e, p: ]
protect his beloved beautiful girlfriend from the demon.* _  L% m/ {; H3 N. m" L. P) U  d

" {8 o+ t9 Z# `. P; D1 eWho will be the hunter who will be prey. This is the idea of this story- v9 c4 m# T3 a5 C9 S7 H
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------6 b! N7 ]6 v) x# v: F* E) g+ q+ f: ~
$ x/ f; ?" \3 H. S
I think this is horror/mystery story.
. ^. C- A8 O1 D- ]4 s7 \' d4 K2 @, s* h) }8 ?) p4 t: j  l4 j, q
I see that the demon have more advantages than him so I think the book
0 S6 t; r9 O' [1 C4 g# Q, O$ `should provide methods more than sunlight(It have to expose in its
/ B2 ?: o0 Z, Goriginal body) to kill the demon such as silver bullet or holy water4 k  U: Z  u3 O: @0 W3 X
or...........(your ideas).
1 A; k' ], o8 T1 M; I5 s: A
4 ]2 Y; G4 h8 Z/ S$ p' a2 ~9 qThe demon can't be detect easily it can became anyone and very
! ]3 L; A% Y% X# Bdangerous, what if he have six sense or hi-tech tool such as demon
/ m4 `% T( [. P9 m1 T1 L3 P, Cdetector or something .....(your idea) so it can detect who is the  b0 P+ N4 B, h" i* e
demon easier.( o3 `' Q" T* ~
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 i9 `0 m* c7 U' P! V  B/ Q" S% L
: J# {( ~. b: p: [2 v" t/ W* F# N: PI also think of possible ending:! R/ @7 e4 K' ~! W! Z) C5 H/ J( W

+ k  w$ e2 |9 f& w( Y1. He track down the demon to its liar and kill it successfully.3 L2 n  a7 n) s
8 Y) Q' i. V8 [4 D8 q
2. He track down the demon to its liar but it escaped (sequel?)
7 ~! Z9 t$ ^  s% t# g  X7 i/ l7 P9 D. J! x% {: u# l/ `& b
3. He have been tricked the demon disguise as his girlfriend (his
  Q  n1 ]) N* ?3 Q3 Xgirlfriend had die already to became a suit) and have sex with him and
1 C1 S9 R, x: K) W: B4 Nhe die, the demon win.
( b4 e1 B' |, d4 H# ]( K9 j( w8 M  g9 A$ ~1 K! I& q9 U
4. The demon disguise as his girlfriend but he know and kill it.9 b" L  v3 Y0 q" T
* g. F* g- @/ Y( U3 O( Q6 h# C( [
5. The demon disguise as his sister? Did he can kill it or fail?
) R& z' X3 N; t2 N: Z' R+ [
0 t# H0 ~6 t! N/ p0 a4 z- j1 b6. The demon disguise as his aunt? Did he can kill it or fail?) `3 c# E( W2 q6 L
( m! m8 l: K) o
7. The demon hypnotize his sister to have sex with him, he think that
0 ]! L# N7 s! R# ^- k0 yshe was the demon so he kill her while the demon is disguising as his
! |4 B) r+ j% U; T! _girlfriend!. After the funeral he was very sad, it pretend to5 \' H9 o' [$ _* e7 n) S& z7 l
comfort him and have sex with him so he die, the demon win.
, N9 c$ h5 M% \8 o$ k! e* z) P$ {+ x+ A5 o! E) ^- \5 x
8. His mother came back to him she say that his father hate her and
1 w! v# ~) h: N$ bthey divorce, she was living far away across country and she came to
2 a1 \' Y1 l9 v, _, ~look for forgiveness from him and say that his father hate her even
" g; ]  O; G( X5 o8 n7 Z  a, V2 @before he die he make up all story about the demon. But he already5 T4 u+ B' N2 Z# F3 w3 E
seen horror in the past before his father die, his mother is saying
8 C8 W9 t+ H! \8 N/ O  H) d& b; Jthe truth or she was the demon in disguise?1 g! }4 x, t! R0 r0 r0 O0 _

3 ?' D/ G* k. k# y8 ~  H& D& {  L9. His beloved girlfriend is the demon in disguise since beginning,% I4 j% X% b$ p7 I. x
the woman that he date and falling in love isn't what she seem, the% Z3 e: v5 {4 [: ]/ r( \
demon plan this all along. It have sex with him and he die, the demon win.
+ _0 J3 b; t! M& `& M. J. s' g# k- i! x! Z- M- P/ F" N
10. Your idea…
) S" |  s8 E- q( @; D1 G: v; x$ d. S- Z$ G/ }
sorry for my English, I am not English speaker.
3 K4 |/ v% k/ E9 u9 Q
0 O! H3 S/ F- O& S2 @8 J3 XIf any of you interested in my story idea and want to write it
" F8 @( I3 v4 r  e% C: r# ]please e-mail me
rockx3 发表于 2009-5-1 22:27:18 | 显示全部楼层
  y1 Q; D0 l; E4 z+ i+ F2 U% @- s0 S0 g2 D  P
rockx3 发表于 2009-5-1 22:43:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 55665 发表于 2009-5-2 08:17:15 | 显示全部楼层
; a' _3 r& ?1 Q1 J* J$ T8 T3 `
/ j2 k' V- r' D8 }第一个构思不能算没有结局,姐姐对男人失望,弟弟通过人皮让姐姐绕过乱伦的心理谴责,只要能爱着姐姐,发展为美好的姐妹关系。也可算结局。只是一个被调教的男友,还有姐弟交换身份都是不错的题材,结束了就可惜了。但即便如此,写完第一部分构思起码10章节以上,20左右也有可能。最后把结局写的模糊些,等有新的构思就可接上去。写绝也无所谓,反正我也懒人。
4 V0 v2 f8 a( E; {2 i2 v! y
( R' Q; c0 w% e( u小说要有发展必须有事件冲突(依稀记得好像以前老师说过),具体我也说不清楚,反正就是作者得有构思去写吧,可能你看日文小说多了些,我个人感觉日文短篇多,没有更多交代,英文的长篇大作可是很多的。- y4 ~8 H1 _3 s; C/ z+ F% A0 d8 X* i7 M
rockx3 发表于 2009-5-2 10:49:04 | 显示全部楼层
* C0 R: A1 X3 F% l6 `# O! `4 v! R7 n% w$ H
第一个构思不能算没有结局,姐姐对男人失望,弟弟通过人皮让姐姐绕过乱伦的心理谴责,只要能爱着姐姐,发展为美好的姐妹关系。也可算结局。只是一个被调教 ...8 J/ B) C% ]$ c" d% I: W
55665 发表于 2009-5-2 08:17

9 G! ?+ t- ?* O( a6 R! V# ?! ^! D: r! t) u
第一篇是我喜欢的类型。: |( f6 g% d: c; n; j$ X
没说没有结局,只是现在我烦恼好像人皮穿上了以后没啥事情好做好发展,世界征服?1 w( g7 K" f, e- \* m

& H& p2 h/ t* P* s2 [1 v话说国内目前曾经最大的TS站也就是紫云了?- ~$ r6 ~8 N/ r9 s) @" Q
7 ^( ]7 k1 r; K5 A/ B" T" S/ e) w
在TGGAME搞推荐不就是TGGAME备份站么,那本站不是一点意义都没有了。难得有个这么不错的平台,当然要好好发展一下。+ l7 A# z: f; W! K

  k+ X5 S+ J  M2 l$ f/ m" p9 B' Q0 zKIG123那边不是也有些人才吗...我想说最起码人数先上去了才是吧
6 u2 R9 v$ z  K
! G2 ?4 N; @& Z$ P2 W* X, s今天俺出去玩啦,论坛交给你照顾啦
 楼主| 55665 发表于 2009-5-2 15:35:31 | 显示全部楼层
2 p8 V3 U8 M/ o$ `$ J) n8 a
4 `4 F" _% ^9 Y& X& x" A; |其实这种论坛真不需要发展为怎样怎样的人气,人多会杂,而且这不是社会意识上认同的。
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~
lee000 发表于 2020-1-26 22:14:14 | 显示全部楼层
設定有點複雜哩!2 t+ n8 Z8 t: R
這樣是否會變得太龐大呢? 到時會不會爛尾?
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~
吃草的绵羊123 发表于 2022-7-10 17:38:18 | 显示全部楼层
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~
lisa 发表于 2022-7-11 09:57:26 | 显示全部楼层
ilist 发表于 2022-7-14 14:00:40 | 显示全部楼层
zhangp00 发表于 2022-7-18 21:50:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Julio 发表于 2022-7-19 13:39:50 | 显示全部楼层
云晓曦 发表于 2022-8-3 02:28:31 | 显示全部楼层
huaihkiss 发表于 2022-8-5 08:40:12 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
常磐文 发表于 2022-8-5 23:52:51 | 显示全部楼层
在【意见留言】区提建议,采用者奖励威望! 参与者都有奖~
Deutschen 发表于 2022-9-3 21:04:44 | 显示全部楼层
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